“The earth will not continue to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship. We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by future generations.”

― Pope John Paul II

About Us

Our Eco Warriors group is open to students in grades 4th through 8th.  
Our mission is to be stewards of God’s

Eco Warriors vow to:
– Use our resources wisely.
– Recycle all that we can.
– Save the environment by starting with our own community.
The Eco Warriors have been continually working on establishing an environmental classroom on the school premises, developing school-wide recycling and
composting programs, among other
stewardship projects.

Eco Warrior Team Leaders
Mrs. Lynn Frye
Mrs. Donna Sutherland (Green School Coordinator)

Member of the Southeastern Michigan Stewardship Coalition

Michigan Green School Award Winning Program

To help us make this connection, we have adopted the following essential question:
“How can we become better stewards of God’s Creation?”
Our learning reflects this mission in many ways. From the formation of a student driven environmental club, The SJPII Eco Warriors, to a school-wide recycling/composting initiative, to the building of an outdoor environmental classroom, we are working very hard to care for the world around us; i.e. to become better stewards of God’s creation!